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DU wins APGA Safety Award

The American Public Gas Association (APGA) has recognized the Decatur Utilities Natural Gas Department with its 2020 Safety Award.

APGA President and CEO Dave Schryver commended DU for its outstanding safety record during the 2019 calendar year. Ray Hardin, DU's general manager, echoed those sentiments, congratulating the entire Gas/Water/Wastewater Operations Group for the "well deserved" recognition.

Jimmy Evans, G/W/WW operations manager, said the award "is in recognition of the successful efforts the DU system has made to ensure the safety of DU employees and customers - as well as the integrity of the DU natural gas system for CY2019." He noted that all APGA members are eligible to enter the safety contest. 2020 APGA Safety Award winners were based on the number of recordable injury or illness cases from January 1 to December 31, 2019. DU participates in Group D which includes natural gas systems that work 38,000 - 70,000 man hours.

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